Interview w/ Mobcrush

Published Jun 9, 2015
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Mobcrush is a new mobile streaming service for gamers who want to broadcast mobile games live for their fans/audience. Recently, their popularity has skyrocketed throughout the Minecraft Pocket Edition community. After seeing how quickly they are growing, I just had to interview them!

Interviewing Eric Doty – Mobcrush Director of Community
Q: Approximately when will Mobcrush exit "beta mode"?
A: We have no timeline to discuss right now. We’re focused completely on providing the best experience for both broadcasters and viewers. There is a lot more on the way, including more ways to stream to Mobcrush and some secret features we’ll talk about later. For now the best way to check us out is to download the app to your tablet or phone at

Q: Where are the Mobcrush offices located?
A: The Mobcrush office is located in Santa Monica, near the famous Santa Monica Pier.

Q: What day was the Mobcrush beta application released to the public?
A: We opened up the beta to a general audience on April 6th of this year, so it’s still early in the beta. One of our first public users, SxC Jok3r, asked to tweet about us to his friends and it’s been a rollercoaster ride ever since.

Q: About how many users stream with your services on a daily basis?
A: A lot! We’re not going to reveal numbers yet as Mobcrush is growing so fast week-to-week that any number I give you will be inaccurate in a just a couple days. It’s definitely going to be the Summer of Mobcrush.

Q: What types of challenges do you guys face to keep Mobcrush alive, and your streamers happy?
A: Haha, where do I start? The biggest challenge is keeping up with the community. We’re growing so fast, so we set very high expectations for ourselves to deliver a quality service. Big or small, we’re releasing about one new feature a week across our website, backend service, and all the apps we’re building, alongside implementing bug fixes and small feature tweaks. When you’re supporting multiple devices with many different operating systems, it becomes a lot to keep track of.

Q: Is there any awesome new features coming up that you can tell us about?
A: Hmm… I’m not sure when this article is getting published, but we have a few things coming up. The biggest is probably the new website that will have most of the same functionality you see in the app like sign up, view streams, chat, etc. We’re also working on some Moderator tools to help keep the chat fun and friendly.

Q: What is the most streamed game on Mobcrush?
A: Right now Minecraft Pocket Edition is currently the most streamed game, but that’s not surprising if you know the game and Mobcrush Partners like JackFrostMiner. Vainglory, Modern Combat 5, and Clash of Clans are very popular as well.

Q: Where did the idea to develop this streaming service of yours come from?
A: It came out of the realization that it’s very difficult to stream mobile games. We’ve seen other attempts and felt that we could step in with various options that allow everyone to broadcast their mobile games. Also, Mobcrush is focused on making community a priority. You can’t build a great product if you aren’t regularly working with the community directly to gather feedback and make sure they’re happy. There’s plenty more on the way.

Q: How was the current Mobcrush employee team put together?
A: Like the Avengers. Our team really is made up of some of the best people in this field and we’re still growing!
That was my awesome interview with Mobcrush! I sure hope you learned a few things about them, today. If you enjoyed, do not forget to keep checking back at our blog for more awesome interviews like this one. Also, do not forget to follow Mobcrush on Twitter.

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