Interview w/ TruDan

Published Mar 20, 2016
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Hi Minecrafters,

Today we bring you an interview with a very special person who has done ton of interesting things here in the MCPE community, and that person is Dan! If you don't know who Dan is already, he is an InPvP server network lead developer, and if you don't know what InPvP is, it's a PE server network that brings tons of enjoyable gamemodes, and is popular by one of there gamemodes "BlockHunt". Now, let's get to the interview!


How did you come to be a developer in the first place?

  • I joined my local Youth Council when I was about 12 years old and they needed a Website-Administrator. The topic captured my attention quickly. I went ahead and started teaching myself from YouTube/Online tutorials on how to code PHP, and create websites with HTML/CSS. Later I found out about Bukkit for Minecraft PC, and started coding custom plugins for a private friends-only server. Since then I’ve continue to educate myself to improve my skills.

How long have you been developer?

  • Around six or seven years although I wouldn’t say I was much of a “developer” when I started.

What is your favorite minigame that InPvP offers at the moment?

  • Currently there is only one game mode available in this early Alpha, BlockHunt – However my favourite game mode is one that’s not yet released. I’ve had a lot of fun testing it.

Is there any upcoming game modes that you can tell us about for InPvP?

  • We have a few game modes in progress. We’re waiting until we’re happy with our server stability before we release them. One of them has long been requested. And another is brand new, never seen in Minecraft before! (Both PE and PC)

From the MCPE community, who is your biggest inspiration, and why?

  • My biggest inspiration would be Gurun (@NiclasOlofsson on Twitter). Many people know him as a Hypixel PE Developer, but I know him as the creator of MiNET. He helped me create the first InPvP plugin for MiNET, and since then I’ve learnt a lot of C#. I wouldn’t have even gone near the C# programming language if it wasn’t for MiNET and Gurun, yet I love C# now, way more than PHP, Java or anything else.

Other than you working/developing in the InPvP Network, what are some of your hobbies or activities?

  • I don’t get a lot of free time. I enjoy developing for InPvP, so that takes up most of my time! But when I’m not developing I like to play video games. My favorites at the moment are Rocket League and League of Legends.

Do you play any other MCPE servers than InPvP?

  • I don’t actually play a lot of Minecraft in my free time. I obviously use it to check-in on and test InPvP, but other than that it’s not something I casually play.

What is your favorite food/drinks?

  • Anything with pasta. And favorite drink is banana milkshake. 

Will TNT Run or past game modes ever make a return back into InPvP?

  • Maybe. We have a lot of game modes planned beyond the Alpha. If they are highly requested then there is a higher chance we will bring them back.

What is the most enjoyable thing you like doing?

  • Coding!

Who is your favorite Minecraft Pocket Edition game developer?

  • Shoghi. #BlameShoghi

Let's say if people started to become a developer, what advice would you give them?

  • Challenge yourself, set goals, and try to reach them. I taught myself programming from YouTube tutorials, then I kept practicing writing plugins (at the time, for Bukkit / MCPC), eventually you’ll get used to the errors, and learn past them. Put in the time, and you’ll learn soon enough.

What are some features that you would like to see implemented into Minecraft Pocket Edition within the next couple of large updates?

  • Many things, barriers, stained glass, resource packs, server-triggered sounds, fireworks. All the cool things that are in MCPC that aren’t in MCPE yet.

What's your favorite MCPE 0.14.0 feature?

  • Maps/Item frames. They’re super cool.

Is there any favorite feature that you like about InPvP at the moment?

  • The walk-in portals next to the NPCs are cool. @WilliamGao_ did those, they’re awesome.

Are there any other current jobs you work at? Other than InPvP.

  • Nope, I’m dedicated to InPvP.

What's your favorite MCPE Mob?

  • Proton the Pig.

What's your favorite MCPE Block?

  • The Ice block, because it’s cool. #BeCoolBeInstant 

How did you get into InPvP in the first place?

  • I knew @iphonetips1 at the time from making his MCPC website, he knew I coded plugins and asked if I was interesting in trying PE. I tried it, and then we made InPvP.

Do you happen to play MCPC?

  • I used to, but I don’t really play Minecraft anymore. I used to play a lot of PC mod packs, like FTB/Tekkit etc, but I’ve already played through all of them at least twice now.

MCPE or MCPC. Which one would you prefer? (In your opinion)

  • MCPE is easier to make cool things for, but MCPC has cooler things. I’d say MCPC because even though it’s harder to do, it’s cooler.

Is there anything you would like to say to this interview?

  • Be Cool. Be Instant! Add Play.InPvP.Net to your MCPE server lists. 


Well, that was an amazing interview. I had tons of fun asking TruDan questions, and also a huge thanks to the community for questions for us to ask Dan! Also, make sure to play InPvP in MCPE! || Down below will be some information about Dan, MCPEHub, and others.

|| [InPvP] IP: Port: 19132 

- Writer: Person who interviewed TruDan!

- Dan: Follow Dan!

- MCPEHub: Follow MCPEHubNetwork






MCPE Developer (#BlameShoghi)

Minecraft (PE and PC)



Proton the Pig

Rocket League

League of Legends

Pasta and Banana Milkshake

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