Introducing Our New Server Voting Feature

Published Sep 25, 2016
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The title says it; now all we have to do is explain how it works.

For some time now, our team has been hard at work putting together a whole new website revamp for MCPE Hub. We have loads, on top of loads of new features we are bringing onto the website that enhances our brand, the way things work, and so much more. Our goal is to essentially satisfy a variety of different groups that make up the Minecraft: Pocket Edition community (YouTubers, map makers, mod developers, etc). While we have many new features planned to succeed in this direction we’re taking, some features just cannot wait... and this is one of them.

With that all said, we’re proud to introduce our new (yet old) voting feature for servers.

How does it work?

Visit the MCPE Hub servers page, and click on any post. You’ll notice that there is a button used for voting, placed right next to the like button (see picture #2). By clicking this, you vote for that server. The more number of votes a server gets, the higher up it climbs on the servers page. All votes are reset on the first of every month, and server posts get placed back into chronological order.

So it’s simple: the more votes your server gets, the more views it will get.

How do I get players to vote for my server?

Just tell people to visit your server’s page on MCPE Hub, and to click that vote button! Make in-game announcements, tweet about it, do whatever you have to do to rack up those votes.

Can I reward players for voting for my server?

Definitely! This is made possible by the VoteReward plugin. By clicking on the icon of gears under your server post from your dashboard (see picture #3), you can download the proper .VRC file (see picture #4), which you will then place into your VoteReward 'lists' folder, which will allow users to claim rewards by voting for your server on MCPE Hub.

If you happen to run into any problems, or have any questions regarding this new feature, please feel free to contact our team via Twitter.

Need hosting? Get 25% off any server plan today with NetherBox using the promotional code HUB.

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Zucth 7 years ago

if my next map project is only bossfight without anythings what do your guy think about this idea

IamR0B 7 years ago

If your struggling with this voting thing, I want to help you,  feel to practice voting with my server. 

FloBoi 7 years ago

@Cheete We apologize for letting this slip through our moderation team. That post has been taken down. For the best response time, notify us at @MCPEHubNetwork for anymore stolen content you see. Thanks.


Cheete 7 years ago

What's it with you people and allowing other people to post another person's content without permission. I can damn well show you proof by talking to you on YouTube that I am actually Cheete, besides I want you to pull it down because 1-It is outdated 2-I. Did. Not. Allow. YOU! This is referring to my map VerseCrafter.

Minecraft Hub 7 years ago

@Aericio - Right now we're only supporting VoteReward but things change! We'll let everyone know if we plan to add additional vote plugin support. 👍

Aericio 7 years ago

Will you ever be adding support for ProjectInfinity's PocketVote plugin?