Beacon Funplex

Published Apr 9, 2016
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Fiyah 7 years ago

Dear Kivi,

   Hey Kivi, remember me? I used to be an admin on Beacon Funplex! I still remember the very last day being on your server. Then after that, it closed forever. I miss your server so much, and everyone who joined it. From Raven, to Sophie, to Alosh. I miss you so much, and I hope you take the time to read how I feel. Although I know that you probably can't/don't wanna pay for a server anymore, I'm glad that you started it in the first place. Your server leaves behind so many memories. Ilysm server friends! XD -Your favorite server member, Fiyah

Princess lesley 8 years ago

Hey kivi its me lesley and i was just concerned about the perm op=op but um im staff cause im admin but everyone keeps telling me i dont get op so if u could add me to the wall of staff so i can be opped that would be great but yeah live the server keeps getting better and better also can u maybe tell owners to be less rude to new guest and keep up the great work also I understand you can only perm op a certain amount of people so thats why im writing this. Thanks love u always. Lesley 

also if ur new to first veiw this server it's great for roleplay,fractions, and all kinds of stuff so you should really check it out 🙂

-love, lesley