fun server no more staff

Published Apr 5, 2015
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How to connect to Minecraft PE Servers
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ChaseTheSlayer457 9 years ago

Duuuude this server's boss. The servers has...

EXPANDED!!!!! Lots of stuffs. I'm Applse_Fo_Days25 the Co-Owner and the servers getting to be cool. Ghostly Steve I saw the build on the link you sent for ares craft... We'd be more than happy if you came to build on the server. It'll take a while for us to get some stuff to work we just need to figure out some of the commands. Sorry but as of now there is a glitch where if you do /login it says you don't have permissions. I will update you on that once it's fixed.

TheGhostlySteve 9 years ago

I would Like to build in this server

IGN: TheGhostlySteve1

I will take any position

Playing for 2 years

been staff on other servers

Sammy 9 years ago

I would like to become a staff member. My mcpe username is: ShadyBacon 

I would like to be either Co-Owner or Head-Admin.

I have a lot of experience with servers and mcpe.

I hope you accept my application for a staff member.